Mikkonen Kristina

Dr. Kristina Mikkonen
(University of Oulu, Health Sciences, Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Management)

Kristina´s competence in research relates to the clinical learning environment and mentoring of healthcare students with a special focus on cultural and linguistic diversity. She coordinates research-based projects such as the TerOpe-project on professional competence development and complementary education in health sciences and the DHM-project regarding coordination of a digital health module in postgraduate higher education.Kristina has an extensive background in multicultural education and has obtained international working experience as a registered nurse, university teacher and researcher, which she believes give her special opportunities to integrate cultural and linguistic diversity in her professional conduct.

Ashlee Oikarainen

Ms. Ashlee Oikarainen
(University of Oulu, Health Sciences, Research Unit of Nursing Science and Health Management)

Ashlee´s research focus is on mentor´s competence in mentoring culturally and linguistically diverse healthcare students. She is an advocate for evidence-based nursing and midwifery. She believes that sustainable health systems, competent healthcare staff and reliable evidence-based knowledge are needed in improving population health.Ashlee is an experienced registered nurse and has had the opportunity to work in various healthcare settings. She strives to continuously develop as a healthcare professional, teacher and researcher.